Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Experiment 2 - Chosen Architects and Themes

Hi all,

the chosen architects for experiment 2 are

Frank Lloyd Wright
Aires Mateus

below is a list of the concepts you have chosen to pursue

1) Voids and negative space articulate a sense of secrecy

2) Artificial cultivation of the environment

3) Uniformity of simple spaces

4) Domination of geometric models

5) “Grow right out of the soil wherever sand and gravel abound” Frank Lloyd Wright.

6) A synthesis with nature, a respect for the landscape.

There is no shortage of information in books and the internet on Frank Lloyd Wright. 
However there is one particular nook that I recommend that you read. 
'The Wright Space - Pattern and Meaning in Frank lloyd Wright's Houses'. by Hildebrand. 
The library will have a copy no doubt. Should have plenty of dust on it. 

For Aires Mateus, there is a book published by El Croquis editorial. www.elcroquis.es
There are also plenty of blogs that contain articles and images of their work. 

When constructing the axonometrics construct them according to the concepts, and also look at images of the architects work to help remind and inspire you to create axo's that reflect the theme and their work. 

see you all next week